Aug 30, 2007
ANOTHER Seizure....
Rocky had another seizure this afternoon. He woke me and Dad up around 4 p.m., but it only lasted like 10 seconds. Mom is going to take him to the vet Saturday morning to see about putting him on medication. He says he feels better now but I'm not making him play too hard tonight.
Catch you later-
Aug 26, 2007
Midnight Run
Aug 24, 2007
Taking A Break from Storm Watch
Aug 21, 2007
Terry Vador----Yeah!
I watched the finale of America's Got Talent with Mom tonite. I was really happy that my favorite performer won. He even performed with Kermit the Frog---how cool is that???
In other news I am most proud to announce that my Dad (the greatest cooker in the whole wide world--he even made me homemade pizza over the weekend!!!) has lost a total of 32 pounds since he had Drastic By Past surgery on July 30th! Way to go Dad!!!!!
Rocky said to tell you his storm watch has been going really well. He says it looks like we are not going to meet hericane Dean, he plans to vacation in Mexico instead. We sure hope all of our friends down that way are prepared to weather the storm.
Aug 18, 2007
Storm Watch
Aug 15, 2007
Oops---we forgot to post the cake pics!
Clouds and Cakes
Battoning Down the Hatches...
More later,
Ozzie and Rocky
Aug 9, 2007
Dad's Cooking
Ozzie & Rocky
Aug 6, 2007
Ozzie Knows it All (Yeah Right...)
In other news, our oldest human brother is getting ready to start his third year at some belly button school in Minneapolis. I can't imagine there would be that much to learn about belly buttons, but oh well.
Our youngest human brother is going to height school this year. He did get a little taller this summer so I guess it's about time----Ozzie
Aug 1, 2007
Another seizure
Glad to be home
We think we were in doggy jail for the last three days (Mom: No guys, you were just boarded for three days) That's right we were bored, that's for sure. Our people had to make a trip out of town and they said no dogs were allowed. Can you believe that??? Anyways, they brought us new toys and treats so I guess we got something out of the deal. We are so happy to be back and we look forward to getting caught up with every doggies blog. Hope you all had a good first half of the week.
Ozzie & Rocky