Apr 12, 2008

Ozzie's Home!!!

Just wanted all of our friends to know that the Ozz Man is home! I just picked him up from the vet's. He is secluded to the kitchen (and not too happy about that), but he is here. And you will have to take my word for it because the husband is out of town and has my camera with him. I won't be able to post any new pics until Monday. Sorry.
The vet said to bring him back in about a week to have stitches removed and to keep him on his antibiotic until he has finished it all. There is still more bleeding than I would like for there to be but I guess that is just part of it. He is wearing one of the little diapers but I have a little trouble keeping them pulled up. He is wearing a large cone on his head so he can't bite at them. I will keep you posted on how things are going. He is getting used to being back here and he and Rocky are getting reaquainted a little at a time.
More later,


Joe Stains said...

Thank DOG! We were totally thinking about Ozzie as we took Tanner to the vet. We don't know how you could stand being away from him, Mom barely lasted a day away from the Doofus.

Duke said...

Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!! We're so glad that Ozzie is back in his own house! You'll get well much faster now that you have Rocky to keep you company, Ozzie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

Ha woo for Ozzie being home!

Lorenza said...

thanks for telling us! sure he will heal faster being at home! paws crossed for this!
take care

Peanut said...

Oh thank dogness. We are so happy he is home

Mack said...

Oh that is such great news!

Sandy said...

Yea! I'm so glad he's home. I hope that he heals all the way quickly! Cone-headedness is not fun!

Emily and Ike said...

I'm sending healing vibes Ozzie's way!

Ralph said...

Oh my- Our thoughts are with Ozzie as he is recovering. So happy he's home!


Willie and Waylon said...

WOO HOOO!!! Our friend is home!!!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

welcome home, ozzy...

Myeo said...

We are very glad that Ozzie is home.

Boy n Baby

Clover said...

So happy that Ozzie is home! Hope he heals very quickly and easily so you can all rest easy. Sending hugs and kisses, extra for little Ozzie!
Love Clover xo

Petra said...

Thanks very much for sharing this GREAT news! Woohoo -- Ozzie is home!

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Thank his Dogness. Ozzie is finally home. I know Rocky is excited to have Ozzie home. There's no place like home & your family.

Love ya...Mona