Sep 12, 2007

Uh, oh!

So mom saw what I wrote about Ozzers earlier and she told me that was not a very nice thing to say about my brother. She says that I have to make a public apology to him and that I must be more understanding. So o.k. I am sorry you were dropped on your head when you were a puppy Ozzie. There Mom, I apologized.
Good night.
P.S. I am also being forced to admit that I am the one with the Doofus spot on my head so that there won't be a case of mistaken identity.


Ruby Bleu said...

Wow, your Mom is pretty protective of the Ozzers, huh? Well that's good. I know you like him deep down inside and I bet she knows that too!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

P(ee)S - next time put a password or something on the computer so she can't read anything on the blog, ok?

Jessica said...

That's a funny apology. Just think how boring your life would be without your brother....

Love, Seadra and Zoe

Lorenza said...

Well, I think that works as an apology.
I hope you don't feel bad about having a Doofus dot!
Have a nice day

Lizzy said...

It's pretty hard to apologize, isn't it? But I'm glad you did. It'll make you feel better in a while. ;) Hehe


Urban Smoothie Read said...

i think it was so kind of ur to make an apology...

Anonymous said...

Wow, your mom is like a apology nazi, isn't she?! All I have to do is give my girl my pretend puppy eyes and I'm off the hook....

Joe Stains said...

OH NO the doofus dot, ahem, well I am sorry to hear that. dangit, maybe you can wear makeup on it?

Balboa said...

ha ha ha, funny apology, I bet you really really love your brother, even if he did have some head dropping/falling incident.

Frenchie Snorts