Dec 16, 2007

Just Hangin' Out

We've been super lazy these days, so sorry if we've kind of neglected our blogging posts. We have been reading everydoggy's blogs, we just haven't paid much attention to ours. But we're back!

Our oldest human brother flew in Tuesday night and we have been enjoying his company. He will fly out again this coming Wednesday morning to attend the Poinsettia Bowl in San Diego, but he told us he would be back in plenty time for Santa Paws!

We've been enjoying getting Christmas Cards from our DWB friends these past couple of weeks. As you can tell we have about run out of room. Thank goodness Mom and Dad don't get too many cards. We only got one of the one's we mailed out returned. Mom's fault--she didn't write the address down correctly. She will put it back in the mail tomorrow though! She will be off work until after Christmas so she has no excuse not to spend plenty of time giving belly rubs and helping us with our blog!

Hope all you pups are staying warm. It was 30 degrees in our back yard this morning. We had to put on the coats again! Brrrrr.

Catch you later dogs!

Ozzie & Rocky


Peanut said...

We hope you are staying warm also.

Ralph said...

Snore, snore, snuggle snuggle. That's what I've been doing too. It's been rainy and icky out so good excuse


Balboa said...

I love sleeping my parents bed too, its so cozy and warm.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Frenchie Snorts

Duke said...

We see our card up there! Glad you got it!
Enjoy your snooze!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends.
I am with you. If there is nothing interesting to do... plenty of naps is the best!
Sure you are happy having your mom at home all these days! And your brother too!
Have a good night

Sandy said...

That bed looks like the best place to be right now with the cool air outside! I'm sure big brother is keeping you guys occupied while he's home!

Willie and Waylon said...

We are trying to stay warm too...the temperature is ridiculous. But it will be 70 on Thursday, so watch out squirrels!

AM said...

All, you all look very warm and comfortable in that bed! A great place to be on COLLLLLLD days like today! This morning on the way to work it was 26 degrees!!! Brrr.

Petra said...

It looks like you guys know how to take care of yourselves; that bed looks like the BEST! Stay warm.

Joe Stains said...

the cold weather STINKS bad! your cards look great but that comfy bed looks even better!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hope u enjoy a great christmas...

Clover said...

Hi boys!
Don't worry about taking it easy! This is the perfect season to do that. Stay warm and keep on relaxing!
Love Clover xo

Hammer said...

Hey Guys
I love sleeping in my mum's bed in the mornings. It's very hot over here now in Aussieland. Mum bought an air conditioner for the bedroom to keep Jessie cool, and we all like it too. I've added a link to your blog to keep in touch.
Love from Hammer

Amber said...

you two are so cute snoozing on the bed. cold days are nice to sleep, stay warm!

Amber :)

KB said...

hi guys! i was so happy to see that you had stopped by my blog!

you 2 look like little boxers! i know what you mean about being lap dogs, b/c my mommy says i think i'm a lap dog (which i do). she says one day i'll be too big, i say whatever!!

your tree looks great! stop by again when you can!

Amici said...

Snuggle time is the best! We see our card on your door! This was a fun exchange. :)

Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy your family time.

L said...

Hanging out in a warm bed is the bestest thing in the world! We didn't see our card on your door. We hope you got it.
Comet and BLU