This is a very bittersweet Mother's Day for me. My youngest son graduated from UNT yesterday, which was a wonderful, wonderful thing. But I also had to say a long distance goodbye to my sweet boy Ozzie. I so hate that he had to leave this life without me by his side. If only we could know these things sometimes. I console myself with the fact that his very compassionate caretaker was with him. I am also content in the knowledge
that he knew how very much he meant to me and that he was loved beyond words....
Goodnight sweet prince...until we meet again. I know that you and Rocky are so enjoying your games of bitey face and tug-of-war. Hugs and kisses from mamma...
May 14, 2017
Jul 28, 2011
Rocky---Jul 7, 2004-Jul 27, 2011
It is with a very heavy heart that I must tell you all that dear Rocky made his way across the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. I will miss him more than words can say. He was the sweetest, funniest little guy that ever lived. A trooper until the bitter end, when the ugly seizure monster won. Please give all your pups extra hugs for me today.
Oct 30, 2010
Oct 24, 2010

It has been a long time since we last posted and OMD so much has happened. It seems our wild n' crazy lives have been changed forever...
On Sept. 23 our mom brought this thing home. She says it is our new baby sister. Does it look like our sister to you???
Anyways we are doing our best to make her feel at home and we do think she's sorta sweet. Her name is Lola. I keep humming that stupid Copa Cabana song, OMD. So guys, whada ya think? Should we let her stay???
At the Copa, Copa Cabana, the hottest spot north of Havana...
Jul 12, 2010
Hot Dog!
We don't have any pictures to go with this post because Mom didn't have her camera with her this morning. We just wanted to share with you what happened at her office building this morning. She was taking her break and she and a friend were walking around the office building and they came across a parked car with a little dog locked inside. Two of the windows were barely down and it was already getting very hot outside! After finishing their walk (about 20 minutes later) they noted the dog was still locked in the car. They notified the local police dept. and they came over and broke into the car and freed the dog! Had it not been for our mom and her friend this poor pooch probably wouldn't have made it. The person who owned the car did not come back to their car for well over an hour! We know none of you guys would ever be put in this situation by your owners but we just wanted you to all be aware! The weather is so hot right now and it doesn't take long for a car to turn into an oven! Just yesterday an 18 month old child was left in a car in a town just down the road from us and sadly he didn't make it! What are people thinking when they do these things???
Stay cool and be careful!
Ozzie & Rocky
Stay cool and be careful!
Ozzie & Rocky
Mar 23, 2010
A Catastrophy!

We cannot believe what our Mom has been doing! We hate to admit that this has been going on for several months now and we don't see any end in sight! We find this disgusting to say the least! These pictures tell the awful story! These dirty beggar cats come to our doorstep twice a day and our Mom FEEDS them! Sometimes we watch from the back gate and she tells us we are not even allowed to bark, can you guyz believe that??? What should we do about this? We think Mom has lost her mind! Any suggestions???
Feb 16, 2010
We got mail!

We are so excited! We got a package in the mail today from our buddy Joe Stains. We won a contest over at his blog when we left a comment about our favoritest post after he made his 1000th post! That's alot of blogging! Thanks Joe (and Tanner too). We love the corn shank and the rubber chicken. Ozzie had one of those chickens before but he disected it so this one will come in handy! Mom said to tell you she loves the keychain too and we think those treats from your local bakery are awesome! Thanks again guys and keep on blogging:)
Ozzie & Rocky
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