Mar 11, 2009

We are still here!

We told Mom that one post a month was not gonna cut it! This is getting ridiculous! We made her take a fresh picture of us to put up so that you could see we were still alive anyways!
Things have been pretty busy around here lately though, so we will cut her a little slack. Our dear Grandpa is back in the hospital. This is the second time since the first of the year. He has COPD. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers for us.
In better news though, our oldest furless brother will be home for Spring Break in a couple of days. We are really looking forward to getting to spend some time with him. Hopefully Mom will get some pictures to post while he is home this time. Geez, it's like pulling teeth...
Before we go, we want to know if any other pup out there uses that PediPaws thingy. We got one from Santa (no cool treats this year) but we haven't used it too much yet. If any of you have one do you like it? The jury is still out here.
Well, we will catch you later. With any luck we will be talking to you again before APRIL!
Ozzie & Rocky


Joe Stains said...

We are sorry to hear about your grandpa, we are sending healing vibes. BUT at least you get to see the human bro!!

Minerva said...

I can't even get that thing CLOSE to my Boston's nails! She hates to have her nails clipped, and I thought that this would be easier. Nope. Hates it. As does my pug. Do your guys sit still for it? If they do, you're lucky.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ozzie and Rocky!
I am so happy to see you!
Paws crossed for your Grandpa. You all are in our thoughts and prayers!
Kisses and hugs

Simba and Jazzi said...

Sorry to hear about your Grandpa, we have our paws crossed too.

Simba and Jazzi xxx

Dandy Duke said...

We are sending lots of AireZen for your grandpa!
Neither one of us likes to have our nails cut or dremeled! Mom calls us big babies! Can you imagine?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch