Jul 19, 2008

The weekend!

So here's a picture of that stupid ball that Ozzie mangled. It has mysteriously dissappeared by the way.
I am so glad it is the weekend. It's cool having the parents around to feed me treats and tend to my every whim, ha! ha! I have them wrapped around my paw! I had several seizures a few days ago and that always seems to get their attention!
Here is also a picture of me and my oldest furless brother. He left early Thursday morning for the Naval Academy. He is helping out with the end of Plebe Summer. We sure miss him. Every now and then I imagine I can smell some turkey cookin'. That's when he will be back. We can hardly wait!
Hope you guyz and gals are all enjoying your weekend!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Rocky!
I am so sorry to hear that you had seizures again! I hope you are doing well now!
My mom says that your brother is soooo handsome!
Kisses and hugs

Peanut said...

your oldest brother is very handsome. Ozzie did a very good job on that ball. Sorry to hear about your seizures.

AM said...

I bet your big brother has to get rid of his facial hair before he goes back to the Academy!

He looks a bit like Luke Perry in that picture.

I'm sorry you are still have seizures!

Joe Stains said...

Sorry your brother left :(

Eduardo said...

Hey Rocky, my Mommy suffers from seizures as well, I take care of my Mommy when she has one I give her lots of kisses to wake her up & snuggle with her afterwards because she so tired. I have to be the man of the house when Daddy leaves for work, Mommy says I'm her hero! I bet you get lots of kisses after you have a seizure, is your Mommy & Daddy your hero?
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
I'm really sorry that you have them I know they must hurt:(

Duke said...

Your brother looks like a famous country western singer to us! He's very handsome!
We're sorry to hear about the seizures again! Bummer!
Mitch loves to rip the skin off of tennis balls too! OOPS!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mack said...

I hope you are doing better and haven't had any more mean seizures.

I know you are missing your brother!

Willie and Waylon said...

Wow - what an incredible example of Boston Terrier destruction! We are so happy Rocky is feeling better! You have a long wait to see your brother - he sure is handsome!!!

Petra said...

You sure look happy with your brother, and I'm sure youre counting the days when he'll be back again. Celebrating with turkey will be pawesome!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a great weekend.

Simba x

Sandy said...

That ball does look dangerous....Get your mom to take a photo of biggest furless brother in his Navy uniform! I get he makes the girls faint...or the old ladies!

Amber said...

Hey there Rocky, sorry to hear about your seizures. Hope all is well for you now~ Ozzie did well on the ball :)


Balboa said...

I hope you're feeling better, I wish I was there to cuddle with you, did you know that frenchie cuddles make people feel better?!?!

I can see where you and Ozzie get your good looks from.

Frenchie Snorts

Nevis said...

Sorry to hear about your siezures. I get them and it is fairly traumatic. Adn I'm a human!

Clover said...

Hi Rocky!
Sorry about your seizures :( I wish they would just GO AWAY!
Love Clover xo

Unknown said...

Hi Rocky and Ozzie - this is Clementine and Winston the pugs' mom - we are inviting you to check out our latest blog for details on the next dog-blog contest: Project Dogway! We think you guys would be a great addition. Leave us a comment if you'd like to participate.

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i hope the seizures just won't come back to make your life miserable again...

Martha said...

Rocky, you need to knock off the seizures! Seriously dude! And your big brother is really cute. I hope he's back home soon! Love, Martha

Sandy said...

I gave you guys an award over at my blog! I hope y'all are staying out of the heat!

Murphey said...

We had a pink ball that ended up looking exactly like your red ball and Reilly had the same problem with his poop too! Guess we shouldn't try to eat balls....
