Apr 19, 2008

Get well gifts!

We got the coolest get well card and gifts from our budz Waylon and Willie and we wanted to share some pics with you. These gifts were here waiting until Ozzie got home from the hospital, and then until he quit bleeding (yuck!)...Anywayz, guyz if you are reading this we sure appreciate your thoughtfulness! These are the coolest blue squirrel and green loofa dog ever! You guyz all know how we feel about squirrels!.....grrrr. Oh, cmon Ozzie, I was just kidding...ha! ha! (Ozzie just loves to suck on toys, he is not a destroyer like me!)



Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
You got very nice presents from Waylon and Willie!
Sure is great to know that there is no more bleeding for Ozzie!
I hope he is feeling much much much better now!
Kisses and hugs

Mack said...

That was so nice of your Texas Boston budz!

Hope you are feeling good as new!

Duke said...

Those are awesome toys! How sweet of Waylon and Willie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

what great gifts, does this mean that Ozzie has stopped bleeding?? we sure hope so!!

Willie and Waylon said...

We are so happy you enjoyed them!!!!!

Petra said...

Those gifts sure must have cheered up Ozzie!

Peanut said...

Waylon and willie are very good friends

CoCo said...

Rocky, I'm a destroyer of stuffie toys too. My Mama wished that I would be more gentle...but what fun is being gentle?


Sandy said...

Oh how cute!! I'm so glad things are getting back to normal at your house.