Feb 14, 2008

Bitter Sweet Valentine's Day

This is Rocky's mom. Sorry we haven't been doing too much blogging lately, but our little Rocky has really had a rough week. He started having cluster seizures Monday morning and pretty much went in to status. We have made four trips to his new vet's office this week, and at times felt very much that perhaps it was time to just let go... Anyway, after a rather bad night the night before last, the vet administered a shot of valium and sent one home with us. He had at least 3 seizures (that we know of) last night. He returned to the vet this morning and the vet said that since he didn't have near as many seizures yesterday that maybe after this round of valium he wouldn't have any more. He is very "doped up" and not himself. The vet sent another shot of Valium home for us to give him tonite. He also took him off of the Phenobarbitol and he is taking 2 cc of Pottasium Bromide every 12 hours.
Hope all of you and your pups are having a wonderful Valentine's Day. Please send good thoughts Rocky's way and say a prayer that he will see many more Valentine's Days.


Lizzy said...

Oh no, poor Rocky! I'm praying for you, pal. I hope you're feeling better soon.

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!


Joe Stains said...

we are sending all the healing thoughts that we possibly can. All paws are crossed here.

Dandy Duke said...

We're sending lots of AireZen Rocky's way! We sure hope you feel better soon, buddy!
Happy Valentine's day to all of you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Willie and Waylon said...

Tammy & family:

We certainly hope Rocky is doing better. Our mom had a sinking feeling something was going on with poor Rocky. We are saying many prayers - if you need anything we are here for you.

many sniffs
Jennifer, Waylon, & Willie

Mack said...

I hope as I am writing this Rocky is doing much better. Thanks for letting us know. We are all saying a special prayer for him
Mack & Mom

Ed and Kelly said...

oh....I hope the sweet little guy feels better soon. We're thinking about all of you guys!

Kelly, Ed, da Gooch and Sophie

Lorenza said...

Good vibes for Rocky! I really hope he feels better soon!
Paws crossed!
Kisses and hugs

Par said...

Pearly and I send hugs your way!

AM said...

Tammy! Good heavens why is Rocky having so many seizures!! I know you ask yourself that too, and I know it is so heartbreaking to watch. Is there a specialist your vet could refer you to? Sometimes doctors at big medical schools can help animals with these cases.

Snowball said...

Happy Valentine's Day. Hope that Rocky will feel better soon.


Amici said...

It is so hard watching your little one go through that. I thought one seizure was enough but these cluster things stink. We may be making our vet combine the pheno with the pot. We've read that the pot. brom. has good results. We hope it works well for Rocky and that the side effects are less.

You are definitely in our thoughts!