Nov 29, 2007

Rocky's Double Feature

This is Rocky's mom. I would really like some advice. Rocky had two seizures today. The first at 6:30 a.m. and the second around 6:30 p.m. The last one he had prior to today was the Sunday before Thanksgiving (he had three about twenty minutes apart very early that morning). He is taking 60 mgs of phenobarbitol a day now, (30 in a.m., 30 in p.m.) When he had the three seizure episode I called the vet and he increased the phenobarbitol from 45 mgs per day to the 60 and said he wanted to see him in two weeks for bloodwork. My question is this, do you think I am going down the right road with this vet, or should I take him somewhere else? He started with the seizures in early May of this year and averages one about every two weeks. I would appreciate any feedback, especially from those of you battling the same problem!


Lorenza said...

I am so sorry to hear about this. Paws crossed for Rocky.
Sorry I don't have an advice for you but a second opinion sounds like a good option.
Have a good night

Joe Stains said...

We don't know anything about seizures but a second opinion is never bad. we hope you feel better rocky.

Willie and Waylon said...

We definitely think a 2nd opinion. I will also call a friend in the a.m. who has a friend who has a lab where phenylb. did not work for his seizures and is taking something else. I will get the info back to you.
Our paws are crossed that it is a peaceful night.. we know how hard this is.

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Thanks to all. He had a third seizure about 9:45 pm (a little over two hours after I gave him his meds). He really seemed to have a hard time getting his bearings after the 3rd one. Such a sad look in his little eyes. Keeping our fingers crossed that he'll be ok through the night!

Willie and Waylon said...

Okay - my friend's pup takes potassium bromide - it is compunded for him to take. It works - his dogs had seizures every week. I also found the following website w/ info:
Hope this helps - we mailed your Xmas card out today - my in laws live in Rockport!

AM said...

Go somewhere else and soon. All I have experience with is Alfred's epilepsy, but it sounds like either Rocky doesnt respond to Phenobarbitol or there is an underlying reason for his seizures. Has he had seizures for as long as you have had him or did they start more recently?

If epilepsy starts later in life, it could be a brain tumor (I dont say this to worry you, just to give you ideas-knowledge is power) or he could have gotten into something that was bad for him. Anti-freeze etc.

PLease keep us up to date.

Urban Smoothie Read said...

we hope everything is alright...paw crossed

Dandy Duke said...

OMG, Rocky - you poor thing! We don't have any sezure advice but we are sending lots of AireZen for Rocky!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Balboa said...

OH NO, Rocky,

I agree that you should get a second opinion, Oh poor Rocky. YOu are in our thoughts and prayers, we hope you feel better soon.

Balboa & Mommy